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Esperanza (Espi) Calderas Richart

CMT # 72993

Holistic Fertility Specialist Mercier Therapy

Arvigo Techniques of  Maya Abdominal Therapies Advanced Practitioner with Advanced training in  Pre-Conception, Prenatal and Postpartum Care

Pelvic Hydrotherapist, Yoni Steam Facilitator

Member of  The Abdominal Collective 

Educational History


* Milan Institute- Certified Massage Therapist

*Mercier Professional Training and Fertility Certification 

*Studied Mayan Abdominal Therapy at Tul'ix Indigenous Arts (Formally Arvigo Institute)

* Practitioner of   The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy

* Advanced  Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy- Preconception, Prenatal, Postpartum

* Advanced Clinical/Certification Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy

* Pelvic Floor Training for Birth and Wellness Practitioners - with Pelvic Physical Therapist Isa Herrera

* Myofacial Release I -John Barnes

*Myofacial Release of the Pelvis- John Barnes

* Jade Gate Health (Vaginal Ecology)- Kris Gonzalez 

* Alchemy of Perimenopause- Kris Gonzalez 

Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; from basics to clinic (Coursera) by Universiteit Leiden & Leiden University and Medical Center 

 * Free The Belly -Barbara Loomis

 * Womb Care - Barbara Loomis

*Botanical Hydrosols for Pelvic Health- Lisa Kelly

*Naval Cupping- Lisa Kelly

*Moxa for Uterine Wellness-Lisa Levine

*Spinning Babies 13 hr workshop


My name is Esperanza Calderas Richart, I am a Holistic Female Reproductive Specialist located in Fresno, California. I am  Certified in Mercier Therapy and an Advanced Practitioner in Mayan Abdominal Therapy and Yoni Steams. I work with women preconception through postpartum. As a woman who has suffered from reproductive pains and challenges in the past, I am dedicated to doing my best to help the women in The Central Valley with alternatives that will support their bodies before, during and after their child bearing years and hopefully prevent unnecessary surgeries like hysterectomies.  I have traveled all over the United States learning these techniques. I continue to take courses and learn all I can, so I can keep offering the best holistic alternatives to the women in my community.  I am passionate about empowering women and girls of all ages to take their health into their hands and educating them about their bodies, which we have been taught so little about.

I am a mother of two awesome teens, two cats and one silly little dog.

I have a big heart and I hope I can help you through your healing, whatever that may be.



I started my own practice when I realized so many people could benefit from what I had to offer as a specialist. As a woman who suffered multiple miscarriages before having my two children, bladder problems after postpartum and peri-menopause struggles. I was told all of this was just part of life and nothing could be done about it other then surgeries and pills.. I was done. I searched for ways to heal myself holistically and in the process I was able to help so many others with my new found wisdom.  I decided I  wanted to spend my life helping women whom suffering I understood. When I found Mayan Abdominal Therapy, I knew this was my calling.  Fresno is a fast growing city and deserves to  have services that were only available in the big cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to bring these techniques to Fresno. 

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