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Mercier Therapy

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What is Mercier Therapy?


Mercier Therapy is an external deep pelvic visceral manipulation technique focused on restoring blood flow and proper positioning of the uterus and ovaries within the pelvis. The "Shared Journey Fertility Program" is a prescribed course of Mercier Therapy to help support conception.

How does it compare to IVF?

Mercier Therapy is a natural means of promoting fertility by optimizing the function of the reproductive organs. It works by promoting blood flow and releasing scar tissue in the pelvis from a sedentary lifestyle, past C-section or other abdominal surgeries, accidents, sexual trauma or traumatic birth, or endometriosis. It may be used as a stand-alone therapy or as a preparation of the body for IUI or IVF treatments to help augment the chances of a successful ART cycle. Unlike IVF, Mercier Therapy is non-invasive, more cost effective, has no long-term health consequences, and is often more emotionally supportive of the woman and her partner.

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What is the success rate of conception?

In a 4 year case study concluded in 2012, 83% of participants became pregnant within one year of completing the program. 

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Why is Mercier Therapy structured as a program?

The work is structured as a total of six hours of treatment for successful outcomes as well as accountability. We share this journey with you to support you towards your ultimate conception success. Generally the work is structured as 6 one hour sessions, spaced one week apart. This timing can be condensed if there’s travel required to access treatment, or if you’re preparing for a medically assisted cycle.

If we decide Mercier Therapy is the right fit for you at our consult, a link to purchase the Shared Journey Fertility Program will be emailed to you, along with a discount code for the $200 you already paid for your consult. 


Mercier Therapy concluded a four-year, evidence-based research study in September 2012, indicating an 83 percent pregnancy success rate. The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Helps Infertile Women Achieve Pregnancy” was published in the Spring 2013 edition of Midwifery Today.

Mercier Therapy just published the latest five-year study in January 2019 indicating an 87.7 percent pregnancy success rate when women have undergone Mercier Therapy prior to starting IVF stimulation. The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Improves IVF Outcomes” was published in the Winter 2018 edition of Midwifery Today.


Our fertility program is six weeks in length and can be used as a stand-alone regime or in preparation for a more medically assisted cycle such as IUI or IVF. We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly prior to starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help insure a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start. 

As a stand-alone cycle without medical assistance is what is most natural and primal for your body. You will be guided to monitor your own ovulatory cycle along with our help for up to one year after finishing your therapy with us. 
The program is custom tailored to each individual woman's situation and will be discussed in further detail at a consultation. 
When scheduling your consult please make sure to allow 60-90 minutes and bring any past medical records that may be helpful when discussing your history. During the consult a full medical history will be obtained as well as a pelvic organ mobility evaluation will be done. 
Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation modality. When increasing mobility whether your shoulder joint or your uterus you're optimizing the true function of the area and helping to return blood flow which is therapeutic. When choosing to start the SJFP you'll receive six full hours of MT broken down into one-hour intervals per week for six weeks.


Benefits of Mercier Therapy

We provide relief from...

  • High FSH

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Premature Ovarian Failure

  • Luteal Phase defects

  • Endometriosis

  • Autoimmune infertility

  •  Recurrent Miscarriage



Our care supports...

  • Natural fertility preparation or to Complement IVF, IUI, etc

  • Regular menstrual cycle and ovulation

  • Normalized hormone and endocrine systems

  • Improved ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs

  • Increased uterine blood flow and lining

  • Deep relaxation – reducing anxiety & stress

  • Improved success of IVF, IUI and other technologies

  • Decreased miscarriage

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